Text Panels

Rem's Engine offers a few classes that render and align text. The easiest text layout can be achieved using monospace fonts: there, each character has the same dimensions. This is popular with code editors, and your IDE will likely do it as well. SimpleTextPanel renders exclusively monospace text, with the advantage of being much quicker to layout than regular TextPanels.

When you need to display a value that changes at runtime, but you might not know when, you can use an UpdatingTextPanel, which updates its value every <n> milliseconds.

When you want a clickable link, use the LinkPanel.

Now to the main panel: TextPanel. This class is a beast, and allows users to copy text, breaks into multiple lines automatically (enable breaksIntoMultiline for that), can render monospace characters as well, can optionally load text instantly, has a padding, and more.

Created: 14:13, 26. Mar 2023; Most recent change: 08:07, 19. Sep 2023