Unity-like ECS

Rem's Engine's main target is being used kind of like ECS. Entities define the structure of your project and world, and components define their appearance and behaviour.


The Entity class has a Transform, and a list of children and components. It also has a name and description for development. Additionally, each Entity has a (3d) AABB (axis-aligned bounding box) for quick frustum culling.


As previously described, Components make a scene. To get started, take a look at MeshComponent, AnimRenderer, and the different types of lights like AmbientLight, DirectionalLight, PointLight, Spotlight, EnvironmentMap and Skybox.

Audio Components

Link ^^.

Signed Distance Functions

Rem's Engine has a large collection of SDF shapes that can be used to build geometry implicitely. They can be found in the SDF module.

Created: 15:01, 26. Mar 2023; Most recent change: 14:15, 19. Sep 2023